Sunday, May 13, 2012


After a very long hiatus, I have returned! Even if it is only for a few posts, I feel like an update is needed. It's been almost a year since I shared on this site and I am hoping to begin to visit more frequently but one can never be too certain of such things. So much has occurred since the last post about my dear Arnie. He had surgery, he recovered. He had surgery again and he recovered. He had surgery for a third time and he recovered one more time. Now a year later, his battle still continues and he is slated for a PET scan with a date to be determined. We are hopeful that the spot they think they see will turn out to be nothing but we can't be sure until the test is completed- a coding error with the insurance has caused the delay- stupid insurance.
A year and so much has occurred. Such a short amount of time and yet so many changes in my life. We have now lived in our new home for 13 months and I am celebrating my very first mother's day. It's such a joy to have a little one. I've been waiting so long! The time finally arrived and after three months of being scared senseless, I'm sitting here on our couch watching my husband hold my son's hand while he sleeps. Such a pleasant way to spend an early spring evening. Such a blessing to have two special guys in my life.
Hugs to all of my dear friends- those who read this blog and those who do not... I've missed you very much in this last year of transitions and I'm looking forward to a summer filled with trips to see all of you!