Thanks for all your help with the fridge stuff! We've decided on black with the freezer on the bottom. Yea! Check that off the list!
Today was the first and only varsity home track meet and I was enlisted to help with the timing. It was an interesting evening with many heated discussions about who was in what place. I offered to time for 8th place (last place) and still had to be assertive a few times to make sure I got the right person. Silly other timers....
It was a nice way to spend an evening outside and watch some good athletes and the sunset. Hope your Friday was fun!
oh no, I didn't weigh in on that (you know I am opinionated!)--I *hate* freezer on the bottom. We had it at the rental house and stuff would always get caught in the door, stuff would defrost because the door wouldn't close all the way, and there was just way less storage. OK I guess if you have a separate freezer in the basement, but I still think they suck. Your mileage may vary. :-)
Sorry you had a bad experience with a bottom freezer Aubree. My mom had to replace her fridge that was older than me, a few years back, and opted for a bottom freezer. I love it. So much easier to reach for the healthy veggies, milk, juice. etc.. than see the frozen pizzas at eye level :)
I've never had good luck with rental fridges, not taken care of and tend to get icky and wonky.
Enjoy the new appliances!
Ooooo too late Aubree. My mom has always had a freezer on the bottom and I actually missed having that since I moved out. I'm pretty excited to get it back. Sorry... I'll keep you posted on how it works out.
My parents have freezer on the bottom and I love it!
y'all are crazy! oh well--I know when I'm outnumbered...:-(
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